Adding details and round trip persistance in a json file

I have added some detail to the task structure:

// Task index is 0 when created so I can use the rocket_contrib
// Json struct (maybe there is a way to default fields???)
pub struct Task {
    pub index: u32,
    pub name: String,
	pub desc: String,
	//time in minutes spent doing the task
	pub minutes: u32,
	//unix timestamps start and due.
    pub started: u64,
    pub due: u64,

The fields are fairly self explanitory, the dates will be unix timestamps for ease of storage.

There is a read_file and write_file method now, and I have an optional passed to the constructor so that I can either create a populated object from the file, or an empty list.

	// takes optional filename so we can create populated list if required. 
    pub fn new(filename: Option<&str>) -> TaskList {

		//create the list as mut in case there is a filename
        let mut t = TaskList {
            tasks: RwLock::new(TaskHashMap::new()),

		//I'm starting to like the sum types and the matching
        match filename {
            Some(filename) => {
            None => t,

    pub fn read_file(&mut self, name: &str) {
        let mut my_tasks = self.tasks.write().expect("Should have locked for write");
        let f = OpenOptions::new().read(true).open(name);

        match f {
            Ok(f) => {
                let fb = std::io::BufReader::new(f);
                let my_vec: Vec<Task> = serde_json::from_reader(fb).expect("Failed to read tasks");
                for t in my_vec {
                    my_tasks.insert(t.index, t);
            _ => (),

I have now added Angular index page and can serve the app from the running rust executable

fn main() {
    let task_db: tasks::TaskList = tasks::TaskList::new(Some("tasklist.json"));

        .mount("/", routes![get_tasks, add_task, get_task_by_id])
        .mount("/", StaticFiles::from("view/dist"))

The view/dist folder containst the output from the ng build command when executed in the view/todo-app folder (or npm run build )

view/dist was generated using ng new and so is now set up for angular commands. Angular is installed with npm install -g @angular/cli

I changed the default output directory in the

  "compileOnSave": false,
  "compilerOptions": {
	"outDir": "../dist", // <-- changed


  "$schema": "./node_modules/@angular/cli/lib/config/schema.json",
  "version": 1,


  "options": {
    "outputPath": "../dist", //<-- Changed

Back to index page of the project is about getting the initial rust API running.