Adding Cors to the API server so I can enable live view on the Angular view

I needed to add Cors support so I could do live dev on the Angular components. Basically I didn’t want to rebuild the rust every time I made a tweak to the layout. I achieved this by addin in the rocker_cors crate:

See this article for details

Basically after adding in the crate you need to create the Cors config object and then use it like middleware in node or flask - as a chained operation on the request :

//copied from the blog above
fn make_cors() -> Cors {

    // Set up the origins allowed - In my case I wanted this for
    // the ng serve (But I was also working on WSL2 so it was forwarded
    // by vscode) so I needed the origins for 4200/4201
    let allowed_origins = AllowedOrigins::some_exact(&[

    //Now we can set up
    CorsOptions {
        allowed_methods: vec![Method::Get].into_iter().map(From::from).collect(),
        allowed_headers: AllowedHeaders::some(&[
            "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", // 6.
        allow_credentials: true,
    .expect("error while building CORS")

// In my main function I added in the above fn
        .mount("/api", routes![get_tasks, add_task, get_task_by_id])
        .mount("/", StaticFiles::from("view/dist"))
        .attach(make_cors()) //Add in Cors handling...

The attach method attaches a type that has the Fairing Trait. This is Rockets approach to structured middleware which allows the modification of the request during it’s lifetime.